For Parents
A complete resource about myopia for parents. Includes myopia fact sheets, myopia reports, videos, assessment tools, supporting referenced articles and more.

The Australia and New Zealand Child Myopia Report 2022/23
The Australia and New Zealand Child Myopia Report 2022/23-Reducing the Risk to Vision is an adjunct to the inaugural report published by the Child Myopia Working Group in 2018. This 2022/23 adjunct report seeks to highlight the shift in trends, awareness and understanding of myopia since then and presents the Group’s recommended Standard of Care for managing myopia.

The Australia and New Zealand Child Myopia Report
The Australia and New Zealand Child Myopia Report – A Focus on Future Management brings together the latest evidence-based data to better understand the issue.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Myopia is a common eye condition in which light is focused in front of the retina, resulting in blurred distance vision. People with myopia can often see quite clearly at close distance but distant objects will be blurred.
Myopia usually starts during childhood, typically progressing until the child stops growing.
Myopia is a common eye health condition not just a vision condition.
There are two main risk factors for a child developing myopia: lifestyle and family history. Read more here.
Myopia cannot correct itself. Myopia needs to be managed. It has been established that managing myopia in its early stages can slow its progression, reducing the potential risk of developing high myopia and its associated conditions1.
It is estimated that by the year 2050, nearly 5 billion people worldwide will be affected by myopia, 50% of the projected global population2. For Australia and New Zealand, the forecasts are slightly higher at 55% and we already have an estimated 36% of the population affected3.