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Child Myopia
About Myopia
What is myopia?
Myopia is a common eye condition in which light is focused in front of the retina, resulting in blurred ….
What can cause myopia
There are two main risk factors for a child developing myopia: lifestyle and family history.
What to look out for
What are the symptoms of myopia?
What you can do
Monitor eyesight and eye health with regular eye exams by a qualified..…
Managing vs treating myopia
Higher degrees of myopia can not only be visually disabling, but also have financial, social …
Myopia Vision Simulator
For Parents
Hear from the Experts
A series of myopia articles from leading Australian and New Zealand optometrists and ophthalmologists
Fact Sheets
A range of myopia resources explaining what child myopia is, its causes and symptoms and why it ….
Myopia Reports
The latest report to bring together evidence-based data to better understand this public health …..
Children tell us what they think about eye health, myopia and why it’s important to look after …
For Teachers
Hear from the Experts
A series of myopia articles from leading Australian and New Zealand optometrists and ophthalmologists
Fact Sheets
A range of myopia resources explaining what child myopia is, its causes and symptoms and why it ….
Myopia Reports
The latest report to bring together evidence-based data to better understand this public health …..
A myopia poster is available for your staff classroom.
Children tell us what they think about eye health, myopia and why it’s important to look after …
For Optometrists
About Us
Part 4: Looking after your Eyes
Part 4: Looking after your Eyes
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Does your child have myopia?
Yes, diagnosed in the last 12 months.
Yes, diagnosed more than 12 months ago.
No, but has regular eye exams.
No, has never had an eye exam.